Tuesday 1 April 2014

So You Think You Have Pinkeye

Spring is here and bring lots of plant pollen mixed with winter germs which creates the perfect scene for pinkeye. Itchy, swollen, runny eyes are technically known as conjunctivitis, which can actually take three forms: viral, bacterial and allergic.

The allergic type, which isn't contagious, often surfaces when flowers start to re-emerge.

How to Tell What Type You Have :

  • The Allergic kind tends to be watery and itchy and sometimes affects both eyes.
  • The Viral kind is likely to have a watery discharge and the eyes might be sensitive to light. The discharge associated with bacterial conjunctivitis tends to be thicker, with more mucus.
It is good to know what type you have as the treatment is different.

How can you prevent conjunctivitis?

  • Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious. If someone in your house has the this type of the disease and touches a surface such as a doorknob, the virus can live on that surface for several weeks.
  • Bacterial conjunctivitis, while contagious, doesn't spread as easily, he says. Stay home for as long as the eyes are red and watering.
Make sure to discard any tissues used immediately. Make sure whoever is affected isn't sharing towels or pillows—or anything that comes into contact with the eyes or hands. And once your home is rid of disease, disinfect major surfaces and wash sheets and towels. Computers are an unexpected place where viruses can linger, so make sure to wipe down your keyboard.

If you are ever unsure about any problems with your eyes feel free to contact us, and book in to get your eyes checked.


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