Sunday 8 June 2014

What Is A Lazy Eye?

A lazy eye refers to a visual disorder characterised by undeveloped vision in an otherwise normal and healthy eye.  A lazy eye is also known as Amblyopia and is caused by poor, or no transmission of visual images from the affected eye to the brain, this condition is best treated in childhood.

The name “lazy eye” is a strange name, as the eye or the person is not lazy. It is in fact caused by a developmental issue in the brain, where the area of the brain linked to the affected eye develops abnormally because of under-stimulation.

A lazy eye may go unnoticed for many years, as individuals rely on vision from their stronger eye.

A lazy eye is normally treated by forcing use of the under developed eye, using either a patch or otherwise temporarily disabling the healthy eye. This treatment is most effective in children under the age of 5, but has also been shown to benefit older children and adults.

We recommend having your eyes examined once every year, or two years.  Specsdirect2u can visit you in your home to examine your eyes, in addition we will bring with us various spectacles for you to choose from.  You can also book an appointment to get your eyes tested in any one of our 4 Optical Practices in Glasgow.  We are a family friendly Opticians, every shop has a Kids play area to keep your little ones distracted while you get your eyes checked out and if needed, select a pair of Glasses or Sunglasses

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